Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Have you heard about the Black Box LanScope Network Analyzer?

FiberOptic.com and Black Box are now working together . It’s been a great start to a great relationship, and we are excited to be able to provide new equipment, better prices and better service to all of our customers.
Recently, Black Box has developed a network analyzer; I know what you are thinking, I buy mine through Fluke (and you’re not alone.) They have dominated the market for some time, but now there’s some competition. Read on for our comparison of the LanScope (BB version) and the Networks NetTool (Fluke version;) you will be amazed at what Black Box can offer at a fraction of the cost of the Fluke device!

The LanScope Network Analyzer from Black Box is an Advanced Gigabit network and cable tester that provides expert help at an affordable price. Some of the features the LanScope has that the Networks NetTool doesn’t offer are: This unit offers a 3.5” color LCD w/touch screen, offers two independent Test Ports and you can use as a Responder in Loopback testing. You can capture up to 10,000 packets of data (10 captures at 1,000 packets each.) Not only does the LanScope offer Protocol detection but it also shows packet count and traffic percentage (not just the detection.)

I could continue on and on with the amazing features the LanScope has to offer. If you would like more information please check out the specifications and comparison sheet attached. If you compare these specs to the Fluke Networks NetTool (NTS2-NSKIT) they can’t even come close!

And what’s the #1 reason to get the Black Box testing device?
The price of course!

BlackBox LanScope $1895.00
Networks NetTool $3100.00

Do you want to continue to pay for a name or pay less to get the job done right?

Try it for 30 days if you are not completely satisfied return the unit for a FULL REFUND!

Want more info? Check out the Comparison Chart or drop us a line at sales@fiberoptic.com.


1 comment:

Ash Green said...

Awesome! No words. You always go one step beyond.

There is so much great, useful information here. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Read our guide if you wish.

Thanks again :)